Wednesday 10 March 2010

What's the target for this year? Please come up with ideas!

As you might know, on last year's blog I had a target: Get less cuts and burns than I had during the Basic Cuisine course!
Last year, when I was in intermediate class, I created the burn counter because I had so many burns from the hot ovens and pots and pans  (please, click on the links) from the year before and I also had quite some cuts...
What shall I do this time? I can do a counter on stolen knives.... or stolen equipment in general..... or 'burns' again? Don't know yet, so please SEND ME SOME IDEAS !!
Press comments below or send me an email.
(I expect a certain Mr.MM from the USA will come up with some good ideas ....)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sjoerd,

    Ideas for the school knives theft counter:

    1. The school could provide a permanent marking tool so students can personally permanently mark their knives so they become unattractive for sales on the open market.
    There are chemical (electro-chemical etching) and electrical (dot marking) permanent marking tools on the market

    2. As this seems to become a returning issue, school could inspect intensively the locker rooms between lessons for potential thieves.

    3. Metal detector: Anyone leaving school could pass a metal detector, those who carry a knife set, must prove this is his set by showing a owner certificate, that students receive at the beginning of a new program

    4. Decent locks on the lockers. This is ofcourse each students own responsibility, but as some students use the simple lock provided with the knive set, or other simple locks, they make it too easy for thieves.
